Thursday, October 2, 2014

Scallops and Sauteed Spinach

So after our big shopping trip on Sunday we came home and had this delicious meal! 
One of Ryan's and my favorite things is scallops. I could honestly have them any day of the week. This time we did these lovely scallops from Berkeley Bowl along with sauteed spinach with bacon, never a bad thing. We also just got some hand-me-down seasoned cast iron pans. My guess is you will be seeing a lot of pictures with these new beauties. 

The great thing about scallops AND spinach is that they are both super quick to cook. Scallops can be a little fickle but spinach, on the other hand, is super easy. For this recipe we started with the spinach. First we took some left over bacon from a recipe earlier this week, chopped it up with some onions and sauteed them together. Once the bacon and onions are cooked to your liking, take them out and set aside. Then add a bunch of spinach to the pan with all of the bacon bits and goodness in the bottom. You should always add more than you think because it cooks down a ton! Once the spinach is cooked and the extra moisture is cooked off, add the bacon and onions back in. Season to your liking with salt and pepper and enjoy with what ever you want, pork, beef, chicken, and even scallops!

When cooking scallops there are some very important things to remember. 
1. Make sure your scallops are fresh and still smell fresh
2. Make sure your scallops are very dry. We leave ours on a paper towel for a while so it soaks up any extra moisture. 
3. Cook your scallops at a very high heat
4. Cook your scallops quickly and get off the heat as soon as you think they might be done. They are super easy to over cook!

We sauteed our scallops in our cast iron pan. If you don't have one we recommend using a non-stick skillet unless you are great with a regular skillet, they just have the tendency to stick if you don't cook them at the perfect temperature. I like to cook mine in butter, but Ryan does a better job at trying to keep us healthy : ) He likes to use high heat avocado oil or olive oil. Again, get your pan and oil super hot, add your scallops and cook for about two minutes on each side. When looking at the side of the scallop you can see how cooked through they are, take them off well before you think they are all cooked through otherwise they will be over cooked for sure. Season and enjoy!

MMM SCALLOPS AND BACON... Could you ever have a better pairing?!

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