Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Roast Chicken and Root Vegetables

So I have been craving some more wintery meals lately and this one is one of my favorites. Its super simple and pretty easy make for those of you who like homey meals and don't like to spend the time over a stove! I actually asked my mom to make this chicken dish for my birthday dinner, like three years in a row! Another great thing about roasting whole chickens is that they are usually a great price and you can usually use them for more than one meal in a week (sandwiches, tacos etc.). You can also use the bones to make stock, which is a nice little trick (if you like spending your time over a stove :) )

For the Veggies:
So I happened to have a napping baby and really wanted to relax, so I sat at my kitchen table, poured myself a glass of juice, put on some trashy tv show, and then peeled and chopped my veggies. I honestly love "lazy" afternoons like this when I can relax and get things done at the same time.

A few carrots
One sweet potato
One turnip
One yellow beet
One yellow onion
7 ish Garlic cloves
Olive Oil 
Salt and Pepper

You really can use any root veggie you want, these just happen to be my favorite. 

Peel and dice all the veggies so they are about the same size. Fun fact side note, my dog Pepper happens to LOVE veggies, so while I watched my show, I peeled the veggies and put the peels in a bowl and set it on the floor for her to eat while I chopped them up. I think she likes my lazy cooking days as much as I do! Anyway, any size you like will do, just make sure they are all the same size so they will be able to roast together and be done at the same time. Put the veggies into a Pyrex or baking dish, sprinkle with olive oil and salt and pepper and throw them into the oven at 450. 

Now for the Chicken:

1 Roasting chicken
5 Cloves roughly chopped garlic
Salt and Pepper
2 TBL Honey
1TBL Lime Juice
2TBL Soy Sauce

Once you put your veggies in, start on your chicken. Take it out of the wrapper. Make sure all of the giblets or anything extra are taken out. Rinse your chicken and pat it dry with a paper towel. Put your chicken right into your Pyrex or roasting pan. I know staring at a whole chicken may seem daunting but it really isn't that hard at all! (Why do you think Costco sells them for like 5 dollars?!) Just slide you hand under the skin so it pulls away from the breast. Go ahead and stick that garlic right under there so its between the breast and the skin. You can also add some thyme under there, I just didn't have any. Sprinkle the outside of the chicken with salt and pepper (an the cavity if you want). Then throw that chicken in the oven with your veggies and turn the oven down to 350.

While your chicken and veggies are in the oven, mix the honey, soy sauce, and lime juice. For the last 15 minutes of cooking, brush your chicken with this mixture. It is what gives this chicken its super crispy, brown delicious skin. I know in the photo below it looks a little burnt, but it really wasn't, it was just perfect!  I roasted my chicken for about an hour, but the rule of thumb is about 20 minutes a pound (my chicken was 3 pounds). Another way to tell if your chicken is done is by using a meat thermometer. Chicken is done at 165 degrees or until the juices of the chicken are running clear. 

While your chicken is cooking make sure to keep an eye on your veggies. They may get done before your chicken but for this 3 pound bird they were fork tender at the exact same time my chicken was finished. You can give the veggies an occasional toss too if you think they might be getting too brown on the top or the bottom, but this meal should be one of those "set it, and forget it" type deals. 

Now, cut up that bird, throw those veggies on a plate and enjoy this easy roast chicken and root vegetables as if it were winter outside! 

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